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I’m James, and I’m excited to have you here on my portfolio, documentation, and personal blog! As a Systems Engineer, I dive into some really cool stuff like Cyber Security, Windows/Linux Systems Administration, PowerShell, Python, and Bash scripting.

One thing that drives me is automation. I’ve created numerous PowerShell scripts to complete repetitive tasks that I was too lazy to do again. I’ve used PowerShell for system administration, incident responding, and for threat hunting. Python is great, but, I’ve only used it for personal use, creating little projects here and there. Also, in my free time I enjoy solving questions on Code Golf. Check out some of my answers here.

I’m excited to start posting more blogs here and maybe help a stranger scouring the internet searching for an answer to their very obscure question (think we’ve all been there). So, buckle up and join me on this exciting journey! Together, we’ll enhance our skills, broaden our knowledge, and make a positive impact in the tech world. It’s going to be fun!