Home FileCloud - MongoDB connection failed

FileCloud - MongoDB connection failed


MongoDB fails to connect because of incompatible CPU.


The most likely reason for this error is actually on the installation guide.

MongoDB AVX Warning

Generally, CPUs with the commercial denomination “Core i3/i5/i7” support AVX, whereas “Pentium” and “Celeron” CPUs don’t. AMD: Jaguar-based processors and newer. The supported CPUs are listed here.


Change to host CPU

  • SSH into your Proxmox node
  • Run the below command to see if your CPU has the AVX instruction set
lscpu | grep -i avx

If the output is like below then your CPU supports AVX. If not, don’t fret, I’ll explain another solution later.

AVX Command on Proxmox node

  • Go back to your Proxmox web console
  • Click on your VM, navigate to Hardware, click on Processors, and Edit the type to host

Change Processors Type

  • Shutdown VM and reboot

After that you should be good to go! Go ahead and try to install again.

Change to a compatible CPU

Instead of changing the processor to host, scroll through the list and find a compatible CPU. Shutdown and reboot.

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